Tuesday, October 2, 2007


My mother, Lucy, and I went to get pumpkins this weekend!! There is this house not too far from ours that just puts tons of pumpkins out in their yard and then put a box that says "donations". We asked the man about it and he said that he does this because they are too expensive at the stores and he wanted to provide pumpkins for families that couldn't afford them. So, we go there every year and leave a pretty good donation to help support it because I think it's cool! Anyway I'm really, really excited about Halloween! It's one of my favorite time of year! I have been really excited to get Lucy Mae a halloween costume, so I went to Target and found two that I couldn't decide on. I will add pictures to this post soon because I can't afford to keep them both, but they are sooo cute that I can't decide which one to keep!!! Anyway... Happy Fall everyone! :)

1 comment:

Emily said...

oh i like that and that picture is so funny.