Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is hilarious to me...

I'm sorry if anyone reading this either has one or thinks it's a good idea. But this iPosture cracks me up. I guess it is this little electronic device that you can wear as a necklace or snap to a bra or undershirt, but it records your body posture and if you move within three degrees of perfect posture it starts vibrating. haha sorry but i dont want to feel vibrations in my bra every time i move! maybe it would be a good idea for some people though, just not me! let me know what you think!


Yoli said...

I think this is silly. It's better than the piece of tape my aunt used to slap across my cousin's back, though. Any time they slouched, it would pull at their back hair. Oh yeah!

stephanie said...

dude i would totally love posture has gotten pretty bad because of college.