Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ten on Tuesday

10 Things I Like About My Job

Well.... this doensn't really apply to me. I've been trying, but no luck :(

Anyway... I would still love to hear some of yours!!! :)


Cameron said...

let's see...
1. some of my favorite people in the world work there.
2. i trust my boss and love her dearly as a friend and mentor both in work and outside of work
3. they let me go to class at 10:00 on MWF which a lot of full time jobs won't let you do (obviously i make up the time but that's still a big deal)
4. i think i'm good at what i do and sometimes people affirm that which is always a good thing
5. we eat lots of food
6. we throw awesome showers and birthday parties
7. it's mainly women which sometimes seems like a negative thing (ahem PMS and bitchiness), but it's really a good thing if you think about it
8. it's a family
9. it's a good cause - helping people find homes when they don't have much money (obviously there are some that abuse the system, but when used correctly section 8 and government subsidized housing are wonderful building blocks for many people)
10. i know that if anything ever happened to me in my life or with my family or anything like that, that the people at winterwood would be some of the first to step up and do something to help or comfort me

and p.s. i think you should move to lexington and work there.

Emily said...

i agree with Cameron... move, work, we would love you too (hehe like we already don't...)

#1. I got a new BIG desk