Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ten on Tuesday

10 things you will never do again:

1. Go on another deep sea fishing trip...sea sickness big time!
2. Take another anthropology class
3. Work at a clothing store--the Buckle
4. Walk around the entire city of Chicago waiting for Emily to run by haha
5. Put wart remover on a patch of dry skin so it can eat a hole in the bottom of my foot (thanks mom)
6. Tell a friend that I will serve food at her wedding reception.

Next week: 10 websites you'd like to share....I may skip this one!


stephanie said...

heck yes they are having a concert and its going to be amazing.

Emily said...

hahaha you are so funny but i can't believe you couldn't come up with 4 more. ALSO you know you would follow me around anytime so don't act like you didnt' like it!